Wolfram Notebooks: Building and Sharing Technical Workflows
- Instructor Led
- 2 h
- Beginner
- 1 Certification
Estimated Time: 2 h
Course Level: Beginner
Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Wolfram Language or Mathematica.
Certification Levels: Completion

In this course, you will learn how to create Wolfram Notebooks, which are powerful, interactive, computable documents. The notebook interface is a great tool to express your ideas and develop technical workflows for data science, modeling, research, education and more. Discover how to build rich computational essays or presentations to share with your team as well as publish to the cloud for a broader audience. No experience with Mathematica or Wolfram Language is required.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language and Wolfram Notebooks (available in Mathematica, Wolfram|One and Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition)
- Wolfram Notebook Basics: Learn about Wolfram Notebooks and get comfortable working with them. Explore the features of the notebook interface that make coding easy and user friendly.
- Adding Computation to Your Workflow: Examples show you how to incorporate text, code, visualizations and interactive elements within one notebook for developing and documenting a computational workflow as well as preparing dynamic and engaging presentations.
- Styling Computational Presentations: Find out about different options and tools for styling and formatting content within notebooks. Learn about the cascading stylesheet mechanism as well as useful features like tagging, hyperlinking and auto-numbering.
- Interfaces and Microsites: Add different types of interactive elements to your workflow in standalone notebooks or instantly publish them to the web as microsites. Easily develop and deploy simple web forms to collect user input.
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Tuesday, May 13
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Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by attending an online class and passing the quiz.